Neck and arm/shoulder pain accompanied by headaches are common complaints among patients who seek care from chiropractors and orthopedic specialists. This pain is often caused by nerves that are “pinched” by bulging or leaking cervical disc material ‑ a condition known as a “herniated” disc.
Your medical professional often will first recommend a conservative course of treatment that includes cervical traction, or decompression, to help reduce pressure on the nerve root. It’s a non-surgical option that is effective and easy to do, especially with the help of Bodyline’s comfortable and affordable Neck Decompression devices.
The Neck Decompressor is a light-weight device that fits comfortably around your neck. It features three fabric-covered bellows that you inflate to achieve the desired traction strength. You can easily use this therapeutic device while watching TV in your favorite chair! You’ll find that it is strong enough to draw in disc bulges and relieve nerve pressure, giving you tremendous relief from your symptoms.
But don’t just take our word for it ‑‑ here’s what some of our customers have told us about the Bodyline Neck Decompressor:
“Once you … start inflating it, you can start to feel it gently relieving the pressure on the vertebra in your neck. Inflate the device to whatever level that is comfortable for you and then just sit back in a chair or recliner for 15 or 20 minutes and relax. You can use it a couple of times a day if you want to. As always, check with your doctor or chiropractor about its use. It seems to be well built and it does help in relieving neck pain and pinched nerves.”
“I am 270 pounds with football player muscles and 45 years of back trouble. My excellent chiropractor recommended this as far superior to any of the devices that go over doors with weights or water bags. When it arrived last week, I remained a bit dubious that it could apply enough upwards pressure to “stretch” my neck, and also provide a comfortable fit. The pump and valve system is very well constructed and once you get the hang of attaching the Velcro tabs to secure the horse collar, which took a couple of times, the rest is simple. The hand pump operates with great efficiency and the stability and consistency of building pressure is awesome. I have never, in a chiropractor’s office, or hanging from gravity boots, had a device apply such enormous, but easily controllable, stretching power to my neck. The Velcro straps have never “popped open” on me during use. I can easily see where the cumulative effective of using this will yield great results. BTW, I can put the collar on and sit in my TV recliner very comfortably while watching TV. I can lie down in bed with it on, also.”
“The chiropractor SO wanted me to use one of these, and it has helped tremendously!”
Of course, you should always consult your medical professional before using any decompression device to ensure this therapy is right for you.
Contact our Bodyline team to learn more about cervical decompression and the Bodyline Neck Decompressor product line!