A powerful decompression device is needed to heal pain and discomfort from a herniated cervical disc. With the Bodyline Neck-Decompressor, the patient can comfortably decompress the cervical spine with the needed power to draw in disc bulges and remove nerve pressure in the neck. The durable, clinic-quality Neck-Decompressor is available in the original version or in the deluxe version that features a pressure gauge. Both versions provide remarkable spinal decompression therapy for relief from neck pain, headache, limited neck rotation, shoulder/arm pain, cervico-brachial neuritis, and more.
Neck Decompressor Deluxe
Same clinic quality as the original Neck-Decompressor but equipped with an easy-to-read pressure gauge. The gauge enables the user to measure the pressure on each application, thus providing a controlled amount of cervical spinal decompression therapy every time.
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